About Us
To face Okinawa’s future.
We also contribute in Human Resource Development and Lift Time Training for Medical Care, Insurance and Welfare in our schools such as Okinawa Nursing College and Okinawa Rehabilitation Welfare Academy.
Creating a Healthy Society
This is our purpose.
Not only employees but also students who belong to Omoto-Kai group, are an influence of creating an “Healthy Society” in Okinawa.


- Omoto Kai Group Chief Executive
- Kazuhiro Ishii
Current Status of Omoto Kai
We (Omoto Kai Group) are an organization based out of the Okinawa Prefecture which celebrated our 60 year anniversary in 2019. Since 1998, our basic principle as a group has been “Consolidation of Medical/Health/Welfare”, which is successfully achieved by our 3 corporations including Medical Corporation, Social Welfare Corporation and Education Corporation. A few years later in 2005, the Japanese Government has created a system called “Chiiki Houkatsu System” which provides Medical and Nursing together.
In the Medical corporation, we cover acute/recovery phase and home medical care. In the Social Welfare Corporation, we have nursing homes in Naha and Tomigusuku which provides day services at our facilities and home nursing care. In the Education Corporation, we contribute in human resource development by operating a nurse training school called「Okinawa Kango Senmon Gakkou」and a training school for physical therapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech/Hearing Therapists, and Care Workers called「Okinawa Rehabilitation Fukushi Gakuin」which are the first training schools in Okinawa. We have about 6,000 graduates from both of these schools. We would like to continually contribute to our community through Omoto Kai`s 「Community Care Network」and be an influence of creating an healthy society in Okinawa. Please look forward to our service from the Omoto Kai Group.


Care Staff






※ As of April 2021
- Name
- Healthcare Corporation Omoto-kai/Social Welfare Corporation Omoto-kai/Education Corporation Omoto-kai
- President
- Chief Executive Kazuhiro Ishi
- Headquarters
- 1000, Ameku, Naha city, Okinawa
TEL/098-862-1000 FAX/098-864-1874
- Established
- September, 1959
- Date founded
- Healthcare Corporation Omoto-kai November, 1977/Social Welfare Corporation Omoto-kai May, 1972/
Education Corporation Omoto-kai April, 1992
- Number of group
establishments - [Total 56 establishments]
Hospital, Clinic, Long-term Care Health Facility, Elderly Nursing Home, Day-care Facility, In-Home Care Support Business, Home-visit Long-term Care Business, Home-visit Nursing Business, Home Helper Station, Bathing Service Business, Food Delivery Service Business, Group Home for a Dementia Patient, Multifunctional Long-term Care Home, Residences with Health and Welfare Service for the Elderly, Care House, Sale and Rental Service of Equipment, Community General Support Center, Nursing School, Training school for Physical therapist・Occupational therapist・Speech-language therapist・Care Worker

Omoto Kai
Began as Ohama Surgery Clinic.
Started with 1 Doctor and 3 Nurses.
Established by Hoei Ohama as the First Director.
- 1959
Establishment of Ohama Surgery Clinic
- 17
- Beds
- 4
- Employees
- 1960
Implemented first Gastroscope in Okinawa
- 1963
Newly established Ohama Hospital (Change of name)
Implemented Cobalt 60
- 1969
- 81
- Beds
- 85
- Employees
- 1973
Newly established Ohama Daiichi Hospital (Change of name)
- 1979
- 335
- Beds
- 196
- Employees
- 1988
Established special nursing home Omoto-en
- 1989
Established Elders Health Center Ginowan Omoto-en
- 595
- Beds
- 369
- Employees
- 1990
Established Okinawa Rehabilitation Welfare Academy
- 1992
Established Okinawa Nursing College
- 1998
Established Omoto Toyomi No Mori
Ohama Daini Hospital
Elders Health Center Hamayuu
Elders Special Nursing Home Sumire
Care House Himawari
- 1999
Established Home-based General Care Center Naha
- 801
- Beds
- 882
- Employees
- 2000
Established Home-based General Care Center Omoto Toyomi no Mori
Established Group Home Sakura
- 2001
Established Omoto Kai General Information Center
- 2002
Established Home-based General Care Center Yorimiya
Established Day Service Center Toyomi no Mori
- 2003
Established Day Care Center Uehara
Established Home-based General Care Center Furujima
Established Home-based Nursing Center Toyomi no Mori
Established Okinawa Rehabilitation Welfare Academy Night School
- 2005
Established Language and Hearing Department within Okinawa Rehabilitation Welfare Academy
- 2006
Established Power Rehabilitation Omoto.
- 2007
Established Small Scaled Home Kosumosu
Established Small Scaled Multifunctional Home Yorimiya
- 2009
Omoto Kai’s 50th Anniversary
Established Omoto Ameku no Mori
Ohama Daiichi Hospital
Elders Special Nursing Home Omoto-en
Established Asato Clinic
- 822
- Beds
- 1,395
- Employees
- 2013
Established Community Comprehensive Care Center Kamihara
Housing for Elders with Services Kamihara
Small Scale Multifunctional Home Suzuran
Group Home Tanpopo
Day Service Center Kamihara
Home-based Nursing Station Kamihara
Asato Clinic home-based rehabilitation
Home Helper Station Kamihara
Home-based nursing support Office Kamihara
Omoto Kai’s 60th Anniversary
Small Scale Multifunctional Home Yorimiya (Temporary name) Renewal
- 901
- Beds
- 1,902
- Employees
- 2020
Established Home Helper Station Yorimiya in Care Crossing Yorimiya
Relocated Health Care Center of Mind and the Body
- 2021
Japan Hospital Conference held for the first time in Okinawa.
Education System
The entire program contributes into human resource
development for Medical Care, Health, and Welfare.
Human Resource Development at Omoto Kai
- Personnel with self-educating skills
- As professional workers, we are required continued life-long education to maintain our high-level performance. We mainly focus on educating personnel to become independent and design their own career to retrieve their own goals.
- Personnel that can independently think, decide and take proper actions with high professional ethics by considering our patients and customers as their main priority.
- A professional’s ethic is to be able to use their knowledge and skills accurately, no matter how highly educated they may be. We raise personnel to be able to independently think and act on the needs of our patients/customers.
- Personnel that create a worthwhile job
- Having pride and finding value towards your job builds momentum to open your future. We create an environment which supports achievement towards your future goals.
About Omotokai Education Training Center
- General Concept
- 01
An Education environment for all employees in Omotokai
- 02
Training to gain practical ability in Medical Care, Nursing and Caregiving.
- 01
- Purpose
- 01
Training conducted with a simulator to provide safe and high quality medical care, nursing and caregiving service.
- 02
We provide training which is close to the actual Medical Care and Caregiving environment.
- 03
We use an organized basic training program for nursing and caregiving.
- 04
We have an area for employees to train and learn independently.
- 01
- Training Contents
- Primary lifesaving training + AED Training
- Secondary lifesaving training
- Medical Care Skills Training
- Patients sudden change course for Nurse
- Sudden change corresponding training for home based users
- Suction training
- Nursing/Caregiving Skills training *Individual training is available
- New nurses and caregivers training
- New nurses and caregivers follow up training
- Nurses returning to work training
- Nurses sputum suction training
(Okinawa Prefecture Approval in December 2015)
- Training like real clinical practice
- Education training using simulation devices
- Lifesaving training (AED/BLS) Holding training seminars
- Medical intern・Nurse skill training and various study sessions
- New nurse training
- Training on sputum suction by caregiving employees
- Simulator
General clinical practice
Releasing suffocation
Respond to sudden change
Adult CPR
Infant CPR
Nursing Skills
Intravenous blood collection
Central Intravenous Catheter Placement
Suction (Oral Cavity・Intranasal Trachea)
- Reason for having education facilities within the Corporation
Education training centers within the corporation helps to gain experience and proper training prior to clinical practices and caregiving site visits.
- ●A place that allows mistakes
- ●A place to practice multiple times
- Deploying employees to training schools from our group
Our basic principle is to contribute in personnel training and lifelong education throughout our entire Omoto kai Group, such as our Okinawa Rehabilitation Welfare Academy and Okinawa Nursing Specialist School.
Therefore, we have a unique system where employees from the Omoto Kai Group act as part time teachers which hold about 400 Lessons and classes a year.
The part time teachers include Doctors, Nurses, Caregivers, Physical/Occupational Therapists and Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists which share their experiences and skills not only during clinical practice but with our students.
We also have employees that switched from the clinical practice career to full time teachers at our schools.
- Omoto Kai Joint Research Presentation
We hold presentations that show our research achievements and required improvements within our offices/departments to continually achieve「Quality improvement in Medical Care・Nursing・Caregiving Services within Omoto Kai」
- Ohama Daiichi Hospital Research Presentation
We hold research presentations every year to improve our duties and to share information between our employees, which is mainly held by our Hospital Education Training Committee.
- Ohama Daiichi Hospital Education Training Workshop
This workshop is held twice a month by our Hospital Education Training Committee for our employees to gain knowledge.
- Business Manner Training
This training is for our newly hired and current employees to gain trust within our society.
- Omoto Kai Special Presentations
We invite various types of teachers to present their skills and knowledge for our Mental Health Care and Skill Improvement. This image shows Mr. Haruki Kasuga (Omoto Kai Group School Graduate) from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency presenting with a theme of 「Inaudible World to the Universe」.
- Visiting International Medical Care/Welfare Facilities
We visit International Medical Care/Welfare Facilities to observe their current system and gain knowledge from a different perspective.
The information and presentations shared directly with over sea staff was very unique.Facilities visited in the past (Singapore)Novena Medical Center、Novena Specialist Center、TanTock Seng Hospital、Glen Eagles Hospital、Mount Elizabeth NovenaHospital、Raffles Hospital、Singapore General Hospital、Farrer Park Hospital、Changi General Hospital、(Bangkok)Bumrungrad Hospital、Samitivej Hospital、Bangkok Senior Living
Welfare/Benefits Program
Fairly judged by employees effort and achievements

To create a rewarding and positive working environment, all employees including new hires are judged by their effort and achievements which will be rewarded in their base pay and bonuses.
We implemented a system where your salary is not only based off of seniority but also by your work abilities.
To gain motivation, all of our employees receive bonuses based off their responsibilities and achievements in addition to their regular bonus.

- POINT.1The base salary system is split in to 21 different occupations and 7 grades.
- POINT.2Employees will receive higher salaries upon promotion to higher grades.
- POINT.3Personnel evaluation will affect your bonus.
- POINT.4Equal allowance for all managerial (Yakushoku) positions.
Mental and Physical Health Care Center

As one of the recent government policies, it is very important to have a mental health care program within the company. We believe that awareness towards mental health within the group will help revitalize the company.
In May 2011, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has implemented 「Countermeasure towards Mental Health Community」which also requested for all companies to strengthen their awareness towards Mental Health.
As a result, we have also established 「Mental and Physical Health Care Center」to support our employees’ mental health within the Omoto Kai Group.
Center’s Goals
For all employees to understand the importance of mental health and support each other when in need.
Ensure smooth communication to create a comfortable working environment.
Make sure there are no mental health problems created by our working environment.
Main Efforts
Counseling for employees
In addition to our counseling services that require reservations, we also have counselors who occasionally visit each facility for on the spot support. -
Counseling for Omoto Kai Students
Support on absence recovery from school and work
Holding classes for employee training
We hold classes on mental health, communication and human resource development which we encourage our employees to attend at least once a year. -
Coaching interviews and training classes
Introduce various information about Mental Health Treatment.
Partnering with Occupational Safety and Health Committee, Board of Education, etc.
Conduct Stress Checks and Life Style Habit Checks to maintain a healthy work environment.
- Medical Checkups
All employees will be able to change their medical check up to a complete 1-day checkup for 7,560 yen. (Normal price: 35,000 yen)
- Reduced Medical Bill System including your family members
You can receive reduced medical bills at Omoto kai Group Hospitals. Dependents and family members will also be able to use this system.
(Employee reduced by 2/3 and Family members by 1/2)
- Mutual aid society System (End of the year gatherings and Condolence / Congratulations money system)
We implement a system for dependents to receive the similar support as the employee. We have about 1,500 employees who are in this system which receive various support such as congratulation and condolence money in many situations.
- Use of Omoto Ameku No Mori’s Gym on the 12th floor
All Omoto kai employees are free to use the facilities gym which is in Omoto Ameku No Mori’s 12th floor.
- Paid Vacation
Paid leave is normally granted after 6 months of employment.
However, at Omoto Kai, we grant 1 day after each month of employment to support families with small children.
- Special Paid Vacation
Additional paid vacation includes Marriage leave, Spouses Birth Leave, Condolence Leave, Summer Vacation, Public Service Leave, Natural Disaster Leave, etc.
- Other paid leave system
Sick leave, Menstruation leave, Before/After birth leave, Child care leave, Caregiving leave, etc.
Self-study space for Omoto Kai employees (Open 24/7)

A comfortable place to spend your luxury time
other than your home, job and school.
- Basic Equipment
Free Wifi
50 inch TV Monitor
Shared PC x 3 (Accessibility to the Group Network)
Powder Room
Reclining Sofa x 2
Medical ・Welfare based Comics (30 Titles), Magazines
Common sense from now on is “No Lift” care
Project for changing caregiving and
care from Omoto Kai
Common sense from now is “No Lift”
There is a new movement towards Nurses and Caregivers backaches, which is one of their most common work-related injuries. This “No Lifting Care” movement has been implemented throughout Australia and now starting to grow in Japan. By reducing the amount of labor and protecting our employees, we can focus on our patients and support them with our best care.

Idea of “No lift”
- 01Being aware that backaches should not be usual for the Nurses and Caregivers job
- 02Providing professional care to avoid and react
- 03Applying Safety and Health Management at the nurses and caregivers work site.
- 04Being aware that backaches should not be usual for the Nurses and Caregivers job
- 05Being aware that backaches should not be usual for the Nurses and Caregivers job

Seeking “No Burden” by caring
Explained to be the first commercial (Second in Japan) company to start working towards 「No lift care」which is promoted by Omoto Kai`s 「No lift care」program to solve our society`s problems.Can be used by various people such as Employees, Customers with their families and the community`s care workers.